About Us

At Christmas 2020, I was sitting in the kitchen with my brother Flo. While our loved ones celebrated in the living room, we excitedly discussed my idea of ​​a "garden for your table" for growing herbs and salads at home. As a product designer, I had already implemented a number of innovative projects, but this time we wanted to create something truly groundbreaking.

Daniel Bosman and Florian Bosman on a couch

Flo, a gifted software developer, was immediately enthusiastic. What if we expanded the table garden into a smart, networked device for food production at home? This is how the vision of the "room garden" was born - and the seeds for the founding of OurGreenery were planted.

In the years that followed, we invested gallons of sweat, countless sleepless nights and every available cent into this dream. I remember the first clunky prototypes that looked more like construction site pipes than finished products.

Rohit Deshpande in front of ourgreenery indoor garden

But with every failure, every source of error that we had to iron out, we came closer to our big goal.

It was a fine line between euphoria and despair. But the burning desire to make a real impact and disrupt the business model for vertical farming drove us on undeterred. With Robert, who came to us from Infarm, we gained an experienced green tech expert for our team.

And with the help of visionary investors and partners, we were able to reach the next milestones step by step. What began with a seemingly crazy idea is now a market-ready product portfolio that enables people to grow some of their own food in a healthy and sustainable way. OurGreenery is a passion we live out - our vision of making the world greener!

What is our mission:
OurGreenery wants to bring sustainable and healthy food production to the home and enable everyone to grow a relevant part of their own food in a healthy and resource-saving way.

What is our vision:
At OUR GREENERY, we envision a world where everyone can effortlessly grow nutritious and delicious food for a healthier, more sustainable future - every single day.


2021 Q1
Founding of OurGreenery GmbH including the first angel investor. Daniel and Florian meet Robert, who previously worked at Infarm and joins the team as Chief Agriculture Officer. The founders establish initial contacts with educational institutions such as the TH Wildau. The concept for the table garden as a simple solution for growing herbs and salads at home takes shape.


2021 Q2
The first physical prototype of the clay table garden is created - a compact vessel in which the herbs grow on a cellulose substrate made of recycled paper.

First version of the table garden with weighted clay disc

At the same time, the team is working on the spatial garden prototype, the first makeshift plant tub of which consists of a converted cat litter box. The idea of ​​a modular, smart vertical garden for the home is taking shape.

2021 Q3
OurGreenery wins the first private customers as test customers for the uncomplicated table garden. The feedback is used to make improvements. In the room garden prototype, the founding team harvests home-grown lettuce and basil for the first time. The vision of sustainable food production for home use motivates further development steps.

2021 Q4
A more advanced indoor garden prototype with integrated smart software control and monitoring functions is being developed. OurGreenery aims for a high level of automation and plant monitoring in order to give the gardens stable yields. Product development for market entry is progressing rapidly.

2022 Q1
With the help of the first AI applications for the automatic recognition of plant conditions and species, the technology of the gardens is being further refined. OurGreenery wants to offer users the highest level of user-friendliness. The app for table and indoor gardens for monitoring and control is being developed.

2022 Q2
The smart table garden for home use is officially launched on the market and sells out rapidly within a short period of time. Demand is enormous. A room garden prototype with integrated sensors for collecting plant data is created.

2022 Q3
The Space Garden Prototype 4 with three stacked levels for vertical cultivation is taking shape. OurGreenery closes a first pre-seed financing round and can accelerate development work.

2022 Q4

The team achieves record sales with the successful table garden and produces the first industrially manufactured version of the room garden (prototype 5). A practical test begins with 20 selected test customers.


The large Raumgarten field test with prototype 6 is in full swing. Customer feedback is being incorporated into improvements and fine-tuning to make the product ready for the market.

2023 Q2
The pre-sale of the final room garden model for private customers starts. The loyal fans buy the first units. In April, OurGreenery reports a new record sales with the table garden.

Room Garden Prototype 7 combines all previous learnings from the development and test phases. OurGreenery is optimizing the product for series production. The table garden continues to sell well.

2023 Q4
The eagerly awaited series model "Raumgarten 0" is being delivered to the first customers in Berlin. A milestone has been reached after years of development work.

2024 Q1
The Germany-wide rollout of the updated series model "Raumgarten A" is underway. OurGreenery is bringing urban gardening at home to the mass market.
The team continues to grow. Key positions are being filled to take the next steps in growth.

2024 Q2
In April, OurGreenery reported another sales record. Demand is immense, lighthouse partners of German industry such as Mercedes-Benz are convinced by our sustainable food concepts and integrate the indoor garden into their employee supply.

Assets, Bilder, Infos über Our Greenery