Creating community: This is how to succeed best!

"To create community, there is nothing better than a shared meal where everyone can contribute."

Giada Armani explained this to us in an interview. She moved to Berlin in 1998 and has since founded three different companies: AusserGewöhnlich Berlin, BERLINABLE, and Flavor of Gods. She is currently building the Global Impact Capital Alliance (GICA) together with Sascha Wolf. 'You can find out more about it in our next newsletter. Click here and then scroll down the page to the very bottom to sign up for our newsletter list.'


"Giada embodies openness and imposes no limits on herself. With her three companies, she shows that she lives autonomously and stands up for aspects that mean a lot to her. 🙌🏻"

"We at Our Greenery also do not want to be limited and pursue a forward-looking vision to overcome the health constraints of the food industry. 🌿"

In her professional life so far, Giada has also placed great importance on networking with other individuals and companies. Her ability to forge significant connections and create dynamic networks has made her an influential personality in Berlin. 🙌🏻 She understands how important it is to build communities and harness the power of collaboration. Here’s what she has to share with us:


- Community - You as a networking queen - do you have a golden tip for networking?

"Sort out people who do not share your values. It won't work with them anyway."


- Lifestyle - What excites you the most about Berlin and the lifestyle lived here?

Berlin: The freedom to do and be what you want. Without forgetting that your freedom ends where it affects other people.


- Connection - Where do you see a connection between nutrition and community?

"To create community, there is nothing better than a shared meal where everyone can contribute."

"And nutrition always has to do with community values. I do eat (a little) meat, but I have much more in common with a vegan than with a carnivore."


- Journey - Where did your journey begin, where do you stand now, and what is your big dream?

"My journey began in Italy, now I stand in Berlin, in the heart of Europe. My big dream is to show the right-wing extremists in Italy and Germany how much more beautiful it is to live together with love, instead of in fear of each other. I became a member of VOLT right after the EU election."


- Impact - How does your diet help you make such an impact? Or do you tend to indulge more??

"Sin is part of my life, I come from Italy. To survive that, I try to eat oatmeal with nuts and fruits at least once a day."


- Female Power - You believe in the untamed power of women (so do we!). If self-determination and equality were a fruit or a vegetable, what would they be?


"It's beautiful: you can also place it in a flower vase in the apartment and harvest your salad every day." 

Is superfood: a lot of energy and vitamins

"It's really delicious: chopped up with tomatoes, nuts, olive oil, and balsamic."

"Is harder than you think: Will get even better through the harshest winter."


- Message - Give us your pitch for GICA in 2 sentences.

GICA is the meta-network for the global impact economy. If you are not serious about sustainability, stay away from GICA.


"We are excited about our interview with Giada! She advocates where she sees a need for action and desires change, and she is not held back by anything – a true inspiration for us."

"Your focus on teamwork and harmonious coexistence aligns perfectly with our vision. In our time, it is especially important to us to promote community and peace! We share Giada's belief that a shared meal is the best way to bring people together. With our products, we want to help create valuable moments – whether at the next team lunch or a cozy barbecue evening with friends. Food connects and brings joy! Let us enjoy together and celebrate community, just as Giada recommends!"

Another way to support the community: From now on, you can share your experiences and experiments with the community here! Dive into an exchange full of inspiration and discover the exciting experiences of other gardeners! Sharing is caring! Let's share results together, happy experimenting!


Lara Ripken

Intern Content & Social Media Marketing